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Support Elohim in Ecuador!!

The work of Elohim is exploding in Ecuador – especially in the Amazon jungle area where Elohim is involved in evangelizing indigenous children in approximately 20 villages near their Foundations in Maderos and El Coca.  Following an exploratory visit by New Covenant Church in Albuquerque in 2011, a Hope Christian High School team from Albuquerque visited Maderos for the first time in 2012 and were only able to share their evangelism program with a small group of approximately 20-30 children in two indigenous villages.  In contrast, this past summer a Hope Christian team reached out to over 700 children in twelve villages around Maderos and El Coca during a one week stay in the jungle.  Earlier this year, a team from Grace Church in Albuquerque helped Elohim feed the annual Christmas feast to nearly 1000 children in the jungle.  Many adults in the jungle who have seen the impact that Elohim’s ministry has had on their children, are also accepting Christ into their hearts.  


Many teams have helped plant fruit trees, build fences and roads, and do other work at the farm that Elohim operates in the jungle near Maderos.  There is good news there too!  After several years of maturing, the fruit trees are producing an abundance of fruit that is being used both to provide food for people in the jungle and to sell in Quito to provide income for Elohim’s work.  Other parts of the farm are also thriving – thanks in part to all of the hard working teams that have visited there!


Elohim’s work at their Foundations in Quito and Santo Domingo is also thriving.  In Quito, Elohim provides a feeding program for the large number of Venezuelan refugees in the city and has started a coffee business to help support refugee families.  In Santo Domingo, Elohim has started teaching the Gospel to children in a nearby indigenous village while continuing the existing evangelism programs for children and the elderly in the city.


However, challenges also accompany God’s dramatic work.  Simply put, there are too few missionaries and there is too little funding to support Elohim’s expanding ministry.  Many opportunities to reach out to additional children and adults are being lost.  This holiday season, we are inviting you to come alongside us to bring the hope of Jesus to those in Ecuador. Your gifts will provide support to missionaries in the remote jungle regions, feeding programs for children and refugees, spiritual discipleship and care, and more. Specifically, we have the following goals:


·     To raise $1400 per month to support two additional missionaries for Elohim Ecuador.  These missionaries, whose salaries are $700 per month, will work primarily in the Amazon Jungle region to help evangelize the nearly 1000 children in the area who are involved with Elohim’s programs in the indigenous villages.

·     To raise $1000 per month to help support Elohim Ecuador’s feeding programs for the indigenous children in the jungle as well as the Venezuelan refugees in Quito.

·     To raise $10,000 to improve productivity at Elohim Ecuador’s farm in the jungle.  This will include the purchase of livestock (cattle, pigs, and chickens) to provide meat and milk for Elohim’s feeding programs as well as equipment to harvest the large volumes of fruit that are being produced by the fruit trees at the farm.  This fruit provides food for feeding programs in addition to income for Elohim’s ministry through sale in Quito.


Would you consider giving to Elohim Ecuador for these needs?  As God has used our small, joint efforts in the past to advance the Gospel, he can do that through each of us giving a little.   Would you consider pledging $25, $50, or more per month to share in this work?   One-time gifts are also welcome.  All gifts are made through Elohim USA using the information on the "Give" link and are 100% tax-deductible.  Elohim USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2017 to provide a way for people in the US to give tax-deductible donations to Elohim in Ecuador to support the ministry there.  Please consider giving to this ministry that has had such a large impact in the lives of many people – both in the US and in Ecuador.


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